
Illegal border crossing channel blocked in Odesa region

Illegal border crossing channel blocked in Odesa region
Illegal border crossing channel blocked in Odesa region Ukraine news 29 May 2023 at 10:00

$6,500 for crossing the border: Odessa police have detained the organizer of an illegal channel. This was reported by the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Odessa region.

A portion of the money was handed over to the perpetrators before departure, the rest was paid after crossing the border, and additional fees were charged for the services of the so-called "taxi drivers." The detained individual has been charged and taken into custody.

Law enforcement officers from the Strategic Investigations Department of the Odessa Region and detectives from the investigative department of Odessa were responsible for blocking the illegal channel. The channel's organization was linked to an Odessa resident who was assisted by several other regional residents in the transfer process. "Clients" were found through word of mouth.

On May 25, police, in collaboration with the internal security personnel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, disrupted an illegal "migration" channel and detained its organizer. They seized $6,500 from the organizer.

The detained person has been informed of suspicion under Part 3 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and a preventive measure in the form of detention with the right to post bail of UAH 268,400 has been applied.

Further actions are being taken to collect evidence for the prosecution of all participants in the criminal activity.

The Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine notes that the current legislation provides for criminal liability for the illegal transportation of individuals across the state border of Ukraine, with imprisonment for a term of seven to nine years.


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