
The "Factor of Freedom" exhibition was opened in Alexandria

In Oleksandriia, an exhibition called
In Oleksandriia, an exhibition called 'The Factor of Freedom' has been opened. Ukraine news 07 May 2023 at 11:08

In the city of Oleksandriia, Kirovohrad region, a traveling exhibition titled 'The Fact of Freedom' has been opened. The exhibition tells the stories of three Ukrainians – Mazepa, Petliura, and Bandera.

Lyudmyla Shevchenko, the head of the history department at the Oleksandriia Museum Center, shared this information.

The exhibition was created by the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory in collaboration with the Center for the Study of the Liberation Movement. The authors attempted to imagine what the Facebook profiles of Mazepa, Petliura, and Bandera might look like, what places would be shown on their Google Maps, whom they would be friends with, and to highlight the light and shadow of their key decisions.

The exhibition not only focuses on Mazepa, Petliura, and Bandera as individuals but also explores the environment that surrounded them, their followers who were called 'Mazepintsy,' 'Petliurivtsi,' and 'Banderivtsi.'

The exhibition was created in 2019 to commemorate the anniversaries of the birthdays of Ivan Mazepa (380 years), Symon Petliura (140 years), and Stepan Bandera (110 years). It is a traveling exhibition that was first displayed on Khreshchatyk in Kyiv. It was planned to be shown throughout Ukraine, but the invasion changed the plans. However, these figures have become even more crucial for the freedom of Ukraine, and it is essential to talk about them and remember them, as times have changed, but the enemy remains the same," said an employee of the Oleksandriia Museum.

The exhibition can be visited by purchasing a museum ticket, which costs 15 hryvnias for adults and 10 hryvnias for children. It will be open until May 24th.


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