
The Verkhovna Rada has adopted in the first reading five points under which pension payments may be suspended

The Verkhovna Rada has adopted in the first reading five points under which pension payments may be suspended
The Verkhovna Rada has adopted in the first reading five points under which pension payments may be suspended Ukraine news 31 Aug 2023 at 17:18

Pensioners who have not received or spent funds from their pension account within six months may be deprived of their pension. This information comes from draft law No. 9453, which the Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading. Additionally, several other reasons for discontinuing pension payments were approved.

The draft proposes to expand the list of grounds for terminating pension payments, including:

  • Failure to spend money from the pension account within six months.
  • Temporary residence abroad at the pensioner's request to suspend pension payments.
  • Declaration of the person as missing or declared deceased.
  • Pension recipients not undergoing physical identification in cases prescribed by law.
  • Granting pensioner status to a person who disappeared under special circumstances.

Furthermore, considering Ukraine's exit from several agreements with CIS countries, as well as with Russia and Belarus, the draft act includes provisions to:

  • Regulate the calculation of pension amounts proportionally to the insurance record acquired in Ukraine for individuals who worked in Ukraine and abroad.
  • Address the inclusion of service time acquired during work in former USSR countries.
  • Define pension conditions for military personnel with an insurance record acquired in the Russian Federation.


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