
Experts determine whether it is possible to restore a multi-storey building in Uman that was hit by a Russian missile

Experts determine whether it is possible to restore a multi-storey building in Uman that was hit by a Russian missile
Experts determine whether it is possible to restore a multi-storey building in Uman that was hit by a Russian missile Ukraine news 22 May 2023 at 11:00

Uman continues to recover after a Russian rocket struck a multi-story building. Currently, experts have already compiled over five hundred reports on destroyed and damaged property in the neighboring buildings, according to Igor Taburets, the Head of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration.

He stated that experts are currently assessing the damage to determine whether the building hit by the rocket can be restored.

Local authorities are currently working on two main directions: providing support to the affected individuals and carrying out restoration work, explained the official.

"Repairmen are currently dismantling the semi-destroyed panels of the building that the Russians targeted. They are also replacing windows in neighboring buildings that were damaged by the explosion wave – a third of the work has already been completed. In total, nearly 1,500 windows will be replaced," he shared.

Igor Taburets also added that experts from the State Scientific and Research Institute of Building Structures are conducting an examination of the condition of the multi-story building. "In a few weeks, we should receive an answer to whether it can be restored. The second entrance already has electricity, water, and sewage. Gas supply cannot be restored at the moment. As for the other buildings, 530 reports on the preliminary visual inspection of damaged and destroyed property have already been compiled," he mentioned.

To recap, in Uman on the morning of April 28, during a mass attack on Ukraine, a residential building was hit. As a result of the destruction of the multi-story building, 18 people were injured, and nine of them were hospitalized.


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