
New educational initiatives have been introduced for children who left Ukraine due to the war

New educational initiatives have been introduced for children who left Ukraine due to the war
New educational initiatives have been introduced for children who left Ukraine due to the war Ukraine news 07 Sep 2023 at 18:00

An order from the Ministry of Education defining the features of education for children who left Ukraine due to Russia's full-scale invasion has come into force.

Particularly, these children can receive remote education in established classes within institutions of education determined by local authorities, up to five per region and Kyiv.

In these classes, students will study only subjects of the Ukrainian component. The educational process for these students will be organized according to the standard educational program (Order of the Ministry of Education from 18.08.2023, No. 1014). The weekly workload ranges from six hours in elementary school to eight in high school.

Simultaneously, institutions of general secondary education will take into account the assessments for subjects common to both foreign and Ukrainian schools.

"This model of education has been introduced to reduce the workload on students who are compelled to study abroad. At the same time, the program will help maintain these children's connection with Ukraine and smoothly reintegrate them into our education system upon their return home. Five schools will be designated in each region, each of which may have one or several classes. However, if we see an increase in demand for such education, we will expand the list of schools," said Andrii Stashkyv, Deputy Minister of Education and Science.

The list of education institutions where Ukrainian subjects can be studied will be determined by the education management authorities of the regional military administrations and local self-government bodies.

The subjects that students will study in separate classes (groups) are as follows:

Grades 1-4:
• Ukrainian language and literature;
• I Explore the World (in terms of civic and historical education).

Grades 5-9:
• Ukrainian language;
• Ukrainian literature;
• Introduction to the History of Ukraine and Civic Education (Grade 5);
• History of Ukraine. World History (Grade 6);
• History of Ukraine (Grades 7-9);
• Fundamentals of Law (Grade 9);
• Geography (Grades 8-9).

Grades 10-11:
• Ukrainian language;
• Ukrainian literature;
• History of Ukraine;
• Civic Education (Grade 10);
• Geography (Grade 11);
• Defense of Ukraine.

Within the weekly workload, hours for individual lessons and consultations are provided: one hour per week for Grades 1-4 and two hours for Grades 5-11.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


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