
An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.7 was recorded in Poltava Oblast

An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.7 was recorded in Poltava Oblast
An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.7 was recorded in Poltava Oblast Ukraine news 08 Jun 2023 at 15:02

On June 8th, in Poltava Oblast, a magnitude 3.7 earthquake was detected. This information was reported on the website of the Main Center for Special Monitoring.

The epicenter of the earthquake is located 26 kilometers southeast of Poltava, and it occurred at a depth of 10 kilometers. The seismic activity was recorded at 10:23:41 Kiev time.

"According to earthquake classification, this earthquake is considered perceptible. It is felt by a few people who are inside buildings and only in favorable conditions when outdoors," the report states.

The information on the website of the Main Center for Special Monitoring explains that the vibrations are similar to a light truck passing by. Observant individuals may notice slight vibrations of lightweight objects, and slightly stronger vibrations on upper floors. A similar-strength earthquake was detected in the Poltava region on May 26. That earthquake had a magnitude of 3.5. It occurred 20 kilometers west of Poltava at a depth of 7 kilometers and was recorded at 21:38:49 Kiev time.

In 2023, there was also an earthquake detected on January 14, with vibrations reaching a magnitude of 2.7.


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