
Residents of Kirovohrad region are asked to return road signs

Residents of Kirovohrad region are asked to return road signs
Residents of Kirovohrad region are asked to return road signs Ukraine news 16 Jun 2023 at 11:54

Road signs that were removed at the beginning of the full-scale war to disorient occupiers are being returned to the roads of Kirovohrad Oblast. However, some of these signs were not removed by employees of the enterprise but by concerned citizens.

The Road Service of Kirovohrad Oblast is asking people to return the road signs. "Unfortunately, a large part of them is still missing. Not only the route orientation signs have disappeared but also many traffic organization signs. Therefore, we appeal to all residents of Kirovohrad region who know the whereabouts of the dismantled road signs to report it," the Road Service stated.

If you know where a road sign is located, you should contact the Infrastructure Restoration and Development Service in Kirovohrad Oblast at (068) 664-64-22. Calls are accepted 24/7.


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