
Odesa military commissar Yevhen Borisov, who was scandalized by an estate in Spain, was reinstated: Humenyuk explained the reason

Odesa military commissar Yevhen Borisov, who was scandalized by an estate in Spain, was reinstated: Humenyuk explained the reason
Odesa military commissar Yevhen Borisov, who was scandalized by an estate in Spain, was reinstated: Humenyuk explained the reason Ukraine news 23 Jun 2023 at 17:26

In the South Corporation "Pivden," it has been stated that the internal investigation regarding the departure of Borisov for the New Year holidays in Spain did not find grounds for his suspension from his position, and he continues to fulfill his duties. This was shared by the head of the United Press Center of the Joint Forces Operation "Pivden," Natalia Humeniuk, on Radio Svoboda, as reported by the Sudovo-Yuridichna Gazette.

Humeniuk noted that the official investigation into Borisov's trip during the New Year holidays to Spain found no basis for his removal from his position, and he is still performing his responsibilities. It was determined that his overseas travel was "fully sanctioned and permitted" at the time. She also mentioned that Borisov was traveling for medical treatment and had provided all the necessary documents.

"The official investigation is complete. There were no grounds for suspension from the position. Therefore, he continues to carry out his duties," said Humeniuk.

Regarding the investigation into possible illegal enrichment by Borisov, Humeniuk mentioned that there is an ongoing investigation conducted by other law enforcement agencies, which they do not have jurisdiction over or involvement in. She added, "It is better to address this issue to the competent authority responsible for the investigation."

When asked whether Borisov expressed any willingness, perhaps from a reputational standpoint, to suspend his work during the investigation, Humeniuk responded that she does not know his wishes.

She also pointed out that asset declaration during the state of war was restricted, and therefore, she does not have access to information about Borisov's assets. As the head of the United Coordination Press Center, she can only present the official position.

"The official position is precisely that all the facts that have been discovered and made public are subject to verification within the competence. The specific grounds for his foreign travel during a state of war were under the jurisdiction of the military command. They were provided and justified. And, as a result of the official investigation, it was established that there were no violations. Other law enforcement agencies are now working on it, and I believe they will provide a full assessment, investigate, gather all the facts, verify, compare, and determine their accuracy or fallacy," Humeniuk stated.


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