
Vinnytsia police officers exposed an intruder who, under the pretext of selling "Starlink" for the Armed Forces, took possession of 1,700,000 hryvnias of volunteer money

Vinnytsia police officers exposed an intruder who, under the pretext of selling "Starlink" for the Armed Forces, took possession of 1,700,000 hryvnias of volunteer money
Vinnytsia police officers exposed an intruder who, under the pretext of selling "Starlink" for the Armed Forces, took possession of 1,700,000 hryvnias of volunteer money Ukraine news 24 May 2023 at 17:02

A 35-year-old resident of Vinnytsia organized a fraudulent sale of satellite systems and portable power stations. Presenting himself as the head of a public organization and a private company, the suspect deceived a 33-year-old volunteer and misappropriated his funds in an especially large amount.

The Vinnytsia Regional Police Department's press service reported this incident. According to Edgar Papikyan, the deputy head of the investigative department of the Vinnytsia Regional Police Department, the criminal scheme of the fraudster was exposed by investigators from the investigative department, in collaboration with officers from the Criminal Investigation and Cyberpolice Department in the Vinnytsia region, under the procedural guidance of the Vinnytsia Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The fraudster befriended the 33-year-old volunteer under the guise of engaging in volunteer activities. The man agreed with the victim to sell him 22 "Starlink" satellite systems and 50 portable power stations for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During November and December 2022, the volunteer transferred 100% of the cost of the ordered equipment, but the fraudster did not fulfill the agreement and did not return the money to the victim.

As a result of the perpetrator's illegal actions, the victim suffered material damage amounting to 1,700,000 hryvnias.

During authorized searches, the police confiscated the suspect's bank cards, mobile phones, documents, and other material evidence indicating his unlawful actions.

On May 22, under the procedural guidance of the Vinnytsia Regional Prosecutor's Office, investigators informed the perpetrator of the suspicion of committing a crime under Part 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (fraud committed in an especially large amount). He has also been remanded in custody. The suspect could face a sentence of up to 12 years in prison with property confiscation.

The investigative actions are ongoing.


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