
A Russian agent was detained in Cherkasy while he was correcting an enemy attack on the city

A Russian agent was detained in Cherkasy while he was correcting an enemy attack on the city
A Russian agent was detained in Cherkasy while he was correcting an enemy attack on the city Ukraine news 23 May 2023 at 11:20

The Security Service of Ukraine's Counterintelligence, often referred to as "SSU," revealed an agent from the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, also known as GRU, who was collecting intelligence regarding the locations and movements of Ukrainian military personnel and air defense systems within the territory of Ukraine. This information was reported by the SSU's press service.

The perpetrator turned out to be a resident of the temporarily occupied part of Kherson region, who initially supported the invaders during the full-scale invasion and offered his assistance in the war against Ukraine. Later, he was approached through a messenger by a Russian military intelligence officer with a "proposal" for unofficial cooperation.

At the behest of the GRU representative, the agent traveled to the Cherkasy region to engage in reconnaissance and subversive activities as a newcomer.

Within the region's territory, the traitor collected information about the locations of defense forces and critical infrastructure objects. He was particularly interested in the locations of air defense systems, Ukrainian military hospitals, as well as factories, bridges, and dams.

The information he obtained was transmitted to the occupiers in the form of electronic geolocations with confirming photographs. The gathered intelligence was needed by the invaders for adjusting subsequent airstrikes on the region's territory.

Counterintelligence agents from the SSU apprehended the traitor in the regional center while he was documenting a critical infrastructure object in Ukraine and sending a corresponding "report" to Russian military intelligence.

During the arrest, they found a mobile phone in the suspect's possession, which he used to fulfill his intelligence task for the enemy.

Based on the collected evidence, the SSU investigators informed the suspect of charges under Article 111, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (state treason committed during a state of war).

At present, the court has ordered the detained individual to be held in custody without the right to post bail. The investigation is ongoing to establish all the circumstances of the crime.

The perpetrator faces the possibility of life imprisonment.

This special operation was conducted by the SSU's personnel in the Cherkasy region under the procedural guidance of the regional prosecutor's office.


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