
She killed the landlady and threw her body into a well: a native of a neighboring country was detained in Odesa

She killed her landlady and threw the body into a well: A woman from a neighboring country was arrested in Odessa region.
She killed her landlady and threw the body into a well: A woman from a neighboring country was arrested in Odessa region. Ukraine news 07 May 2023 at 18:15

In Odessa region, a 46-year-old woman killed her landlady, disposed of the body in a well, and covered it with garbage. She then continued to live with her husband in the premises she had rented from the victim, explaining the landlady's absence by claiming she had gone abroad for work.

The police of Odessa region reported this incident. Law enforcement received a report that in one of the villages of Bilyaivska urban community, locals supposedly noticed a body in a well that was not in use. After examining it, the employees of the State Emergency Service and the National Police retrieved the body of a 48-year-old local resident, whose sister had reported her missing to the police in April.

According to the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, the woman died from a neck wound. During the pre-trial investigation, law enforcement officers established that the murder of the citizen was committed by a native of a neighboring country who, along with her husband, had rented a room in her property. "One day, during a dinner, while the landlady was allegedly showing affection for her husband, the suspect attacked her, knocked her to the floor, grabbed a kitchen knife, and struck her in the neck. To conceal the crime, the perpetrator wrapped the body in a carpet, waited for darkness, and when no one was watching, threw it into the local well. She then thoroughly cleaned the house. She lied to her husband, claiming that the property owner had gone to work abroad and allowed them to live there. She also periodically dumped garbage into the well to hide the deceased," the statement said.

Based on the collected evidence, investigators, under the procedural guidance of the Bilyaiv District Prosecutor's Office, informed the suspect of the suspicion of intentional homicide under Part 1 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for imprisonment for a term of seven to fifteen years. The court chose detention as the preventive measure for the suspect.

The investigation is ongoing.


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