
Since the beginning of the full-scale war, almost 3,000 displaced persons have found employment through the employment centers of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, almost 3,000 displaced persons have found employment through the employment centers of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
Since the beginning of the full-scale war, almost 3,000 displaced persons have found employment through the employment centers of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Ukraine news 16 May 2023 at 08:05

In Dnipropetrovsk region, almost 3,000 internally displaced persons have found employment through the employment centers since the beginning of the full-scale war. According to the information published on the regional employment center's website, these internally displaced individuals have primarily been employed in wholesale and retail trade, mining, manufacturing, education, government administration, defense, agriculture, temporary accommodation, organization of food services, and healthcare.

Additionally, 363 displaced persons underwent professional training, retraining, and skills enhancement programs. Among them, 223 people were involved in public and socially useful work, while 28 received microgrants to establish or develop their own businesses.

In total, during the period of the martial law, nearly 11,000 individuals with certificates of internally displaced persons utilized the services of the employment service in the region, with approximately 8,700 of them having the status of unemployed.


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