
In Vinnytsia, a woman beat her husband with a wooden rolling pin, now she faces 8 years in prison

In Vinnytsia, a woman beat her husband with a wooden rolling pin, now she faces 8 years in prison
In Vinnytsia, a woman beat her husband with a wooden rolling pin, now she faces 8 years in prison Ukraine news 19 Jun 2023 at 11:10

During a conflict in Vinnytsia Oblast, a 48-year-old resident of the Krasnopilska territorial community struck her husband several times on the head with a wooden rocking chair, causing serious bodily harm. As a result, her husband was hospitalized.

The woman is now facing up to 8 years of imprisonment, according to the Vinnytsia Oblast police.

On June 17, police officers from the Haisyn District Police Department detained the 48-year-old woman, who had committed the crime during a quarrel. The police received information about the crime from neighbors at around 10:30 AM. Law enforcement officers investigated the circumstances and apprehended the suspect at the crime scene.

It was revealed that a verbal conflict had arisen between her and her husband in the morning, during which the suspect used a wooden rocking chair to strike her husband in the head multiple times. The husband is currently in the hospital.

The woman has been detained and placed in a temporary holding facility. She has been informed of the charges against her, and the issue of preventive measures is under consideration.

The wooden rocking chair used in the crime has been seized as material evidence.

A criminal case has been initiated under Article 121, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which deals with intentional grievous bodily harm. The offense is punishable by up to 8 years of imprisonment. The case is being procedurally led by the Haisyn District Prosecutor's Office.


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