
In Cherkasy region, they want to change the names of more than two dozen villages and towns

In Cherkasy region, they want to change the names of more than two dozen villages and towns
In Cherkasy region, they want to change the names of more than two dozen villages and towns Ukraine news 01 Jul 2023 at 17:41

The National Commission on State Language Standards recommends changing more than 1,400 names of villages, towns, and cities in Ukraine. This is stated in the decision of the National Commission, published on the official website. The decision includes 24 appendices, providing recommendations for each region separately. In Cherkasy region, 22 names of villages and towns are included in this list.

Names of villages, towns, and cities that do not comply with the spelling, word-formation, and inflection norms of the Ukrainian language:

1. Гудзівка - Ґудзівка
2. Дзензелівка - Дзендзелівка
3. Ганжалівка - Ґанджалівка
4. Іскрене - Іскрине

Names of villages, towns, and cities that do not comply with the lexical norms of the Ukrainian language and may be related to Russian imperial policies (Russian colonial policies):

1. Ватутіне
2. Перше Травня
3. Первомайське
4. Першотравневе

It is recommended to propose a new name in accordance with the legislation in place.

Names of villages, towns, and cities that may not comply with the lexical norms of the Ukrainian language and may be related to Russian imperial policies (Russian colonial policies):

1. Катеринопіль
2. Нове Життя
3. Красносілля
4. Краснопілка
5. Червоне (village and two settlements)
6. Червоногірка
7. Червонохижинці
8. Червона Дача
9. Червона Слобода
10. Червоний Брід
11. Червоний Кут
12. Деньги

It is recommended to justify the desirability of retaining the current name or proposing a new name in accordance with the legislation in place.


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