
A centralized water supply is being launched in Pokrov, but water consumption is still prohibited

A centralized water supply is being launched in Pokrov, but water consumption is still prohibited
It is important
A centralized water supply is being launched in Pokrov, but water consumption is still prohibited Ukraine news 02 Jul 2023 at 09:47

The Pokrov city council reported on July 2 that centralized water supply is being restored in the city.

However, the usage of water is currently prohibited. The local water utility, "Pokrovvodokanal," has begun work to reestablish the centralized water supply, including the flushing and disinfection of the entire water supply system. Initially, water will be provided with a high dose of chlorine, and it is strictly forbidden to use the water for three days. During this time, water can only be used for technical purposes. Further guidelines on water usage will be provided separately. The administration of "Pokrovvodokanal" advises residents to stay updated with official information.

It's important to note that several areas in Ukraine, including Pokrov, faced disruptions in their water supply following the damage to the Kakhovska HES by Russian forces in June, resulting in the flooding of multiple settlements and a lack of centralized water supply in some regions.


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