
Cycling through Europe: the head of the community from Norway collected UAH 500,000 for the Armed Forces

Cycling through Europe: the head of the community from Norway collected UAH 500,000 for the Armed Forces
It is important
Cycling through Europe: the head of the community from Norway collected UAH 500,000 for the Armed Forces Ukrainians for the world 26 Jul 2023 at 12:39

The mayor of the Norwegian town of Sokndal, Jonas Andersen Saeed, arrived in Ternopil, Ukraine, on a bicycle and brought over half a million hryvnias in charitable assistance for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (ZSU). This act of generosity demonstrates international support and solidarity with Ukraine during its challenging times. The assistance will likely be used to aid Ukraine's military and its efforts to defend its sovereignty and territory. Such acts of solidarity and humanitarian aid are essential in times of conflict and crisis.

Saeed decided to embark on this bicycle journey to Ukraine spontaneously. He discussed the idea with a Ukrainian resident of Sokndal who knew Andriy Noga, the head of Zaliztsi community in Ukraine. They agreed it was a good idea, and Saeed set out on the journey.

During his bike trip, Saeed collected charitable contributions for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, amassing over half a million hryvnias from various countries. All these funds will be transferred through the Zaliztsi community and volunteers. Additionally, one of the objectives of his trip to Ukraine was to deliver a vehicle for the military. The vehicle was purchased by the Norwegian "Cars for Ukraine" fund, and it will be delivered to the Zaporizhzhia direction within a week.

Saeed also mentioned that the local organization in his community had donated over 60 vehicles to Ukraine since the start of Russia's full-scale aggression, emphasizing the solidarity and support between the communities.

During the meeting between the heads of the Sokndal and Zaliztsi communities, they agreed to cooperate in various areas, symbolizing the solidarity and shared efforts to support Ukraine's struggle for democracy and freedom, particularly among the country's youth.


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