
The price of Independence: the Alley of Memory was opened in Alexandria

The price of Independence: the Alley of Memory was opened in Alexandria
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The price of Independence: the Alley of Memory was opened in Alexandria Ukraine news 24 Aug 2023 at 10:39

On August 24, an Alley of Memory was opened in Kravchenko Square in Oleksandriya to remind people of the high cost at which Ukraine is currently fighting for its Independence. The Oleksandriya City Council reported this. The banners display portraits of over a hundred fallen Heroes. This way, they honored the soldiers who were residents of the Oleksandriya community and gave their lives in the Russian-Ukrainian war since 2014.

Residents of the city and local authorities came to pay their respects to the Heroes and lay flowers. "We greet Independence Day with tears in our eyes. Independence of Ukraine was never given easily. Today, we see the heavy and high price we have been paying since 2014 for the freedom of our state. It became particularly immeasurable since February 2022. For 18 months, our soldiers have been in battle, in trenches, in tank cabins, in aircraft, near mortar positions, holding the sky over the country. We will pray for everyone who is currently on the front lines to return home safely to their families. We will never forget the names of our defenders, who will forever remain in the history of the country and our city," said Mayor Serhiy Kuzmenko.

During the All-Ukrainian minute of silence, those present paid tribute to all who bravely gave their lives and health, standing in defense of their native land and defending the integrity and independence of Ukraine.

The Alley of Memory was arranged at the initiative of the city council to honor the memory of the soldiers who were residents of the Oleksandriya community and who fell in the Russian-Ukrainian war since 2014. After Victory, a memorial to the Heroes will be built on this site.


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