
DPR militant sentenced to 14 years in Odessa

DPR militant sentenced to 14 years in Odessa
DPR militant sentenced to 14 years in Odessa Ukraine news 24 Aug 2023 at 20:46

The Primorsky District Court of Odessa, in absentia, has sentenced a militant belonging to the terrorist organization "DNR" to 14 years of imprisonment with the confiscation of property.

This information was reported by the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) in the Odessa region.

According to the investigation, in early May 2014, an activist of the anti-Ukrainian movement "Odessa Brigade, Imperialists," out of personal ideological beliefs, voluntarily joined the ranks of the terrorist organization "DNR." The man, known by the pseudonym "Odessa," served in the illegal armed formation "Narodnoe Opolchenie Donbasa" as an infantryman, and later in reconnaissance units.

As a member of the illegal armed group, he took part in hostilities against Ukrainian Armed Forces near the towns of Makiivka and Kamenka in Donetsk region. During the pre-trial investigation, SSU investigators fully proved the guilt of the suspect.

Based on the evidence collected by the Security Service during a special pre-trial investigation, the court found the militant guilty of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 258-3 (participation in a terrorist organization) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. He was sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment with the confiscation of property.

The start of the prison term for the convicted person will be calculated from the date of his detention and the actual execution of the punishment.


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