
In Dnipro, rescuers with the dog Patron organized a holiday for children (PHOTOS)

In Dnipro, rescuers with the dog Patron organized a holiday for children (PHOTOS)
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In Dnipro, rescuers with the dog Patron organized a holiday for children (PHOTOS) Ukraine news 29 Aug 2023 at 12:05

In the city of Dnipro, a charity event called 'Country of the Unbroken' was held. Rescuers joined in and organized interesting activities for the children. The event not only brought moments of joy but also emphasized the importance of safety, especially in these challenging times. The details of the celebration are shared on the Facebook page of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

During the event, children had the opportunity to see real pyrotechnicians who are currently clearing Ukraine's territory of explosive objects. The children were also introduced to the work of the emergency rescue department for chemical protection.

The event was not only fun but also educational. Children were invited to attend a mine safety class and were shown models of various explosive objects. This aimed to ensure that in case they encounter such objects, they would know how to act.

Additionally, the children had the chance to play the role of real firefighters, try extinguishing a fire with a fire hose, put on protective gear, and wear the complete equipment of a rescuer. They also got to sit in the cabin of a firetruck and see all the rescue equipment up close.

A special guest at the event, who brought joy to all the children, was a real hero for them: a dog named Patron. Everyone was eager to take photos with him.

'We believe that this event helped the children momentarily forget their worries, bringing smiles and hope,' the rescuers wrote.

Earlier, in Vinnytsia region, a festival of wooden sculptures took place. This year, five sculptors participated, including two from Kamianets-Podilskyi and one each from Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne region, and Lithuania.


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