
Thirteen scientists from Dnipropetrovs'k region will go to the USA for the World Final of the Olympiad

Before the trip, the children were invited to the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration
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Before the trip, the children were invited to the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration Ukraine news 09 May 2023 at 15:58

At the end of May, the World Finals of the 'Destination Imagination' olympiad will take place in the United States. Participants from Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, young students from the regional branch of the Junior Academy of Sciences in the city of Kamianske, will be competing. Prior to their trip to the USA, these talented boys and girls met with the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration, Serhiy Lysak.

Thirteen young scientists from Kamianske and their coaches are heading to the USA. They will compete for the title of the most creative at the World Finals of the 'Destination Imagination' olympiad. They earned the right to participate in the World Finals through the national stage, which lasted for nearly half a year. United in two teams, our young participants from the Junior Academy of Sciences faced daily challenges, proving and disproving theories," said Serhiy Lysak.

"Destination Imagination" is the largest educational program for fostering creativity. Participants in this olympiad not only demonstrate their knowledge of exact and humanitarian sciences but also showcase their ability to apply this knowledge in practice. The team from Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, "Mosgo Builders," has already participated in this program. Two years ago, Ukrainians joined it online and ranked sixth out of four hundred participants.

One of the team members, eleventh-grader Mykhailo, explained that they always chose the engineering direction but decided to explore the realm of science this year and tackled the impossible. Their school, which has a strong inclination toward physics, made it easier for team members to solve and practically test problems."

Since the start of the full-scale war, students from the Junior Academy of Sciences have achieved 22 victories in 16 international competitions.

Previously, we reported that boxer Alexander Hizhnyak from Poltava Oblast won the gold medal at an international tournament in the Czech Republic.


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