
Forum "Youth in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine" starts in Vinnytsia

Forum "Youth in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine" starts in Vinnytsia
Forum "Youth in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine" starts in Vinnytsia Ukraine news 09 Aug 2023 at 18:00

"Youth is the driving force of development in our community and all of Ukraine." This is the main thesis of the "Youth in Post-War Recovery of Ukraine" forum, which began today, August 9th, as announced by the Vinnytsia City Council.

The city and regional leaders greeted those present on the upcoming Youth Day, which Ukraine has been celebrating for the second year in a row on August 12th. Mayor Sergiy Morgunov noted that young people have always been agents of change. In Ukraine, they played a key role during the Revolution of Dignity.

"Our youth is not only our future but also our present. They will rebuild and restore our country after the war. I am very pleased that our community has so many proactive young people, including activists, volunteers, and members of our legislative body. I am convinced that the younger and older generations should work together in synergy. Only in this way can we achieve a successful outcome," said the city's leader.

Vyacheslav Sokoloviy, the head of the Vinnytsia Regional Council, also joined in welcoming the attendees: "In the most critical days for the country at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, our youth has always been at the forefront. At present, your activism in the region's communities is crucial. We, on our part, will always be your partners and support the development of the youth environment in the region."

The youth had a unique opportunity to converse with city and regional leaders in an informal setting. Vladimir Groysman, the head of the Interregional Coordination Humanitarian Headquarters, also joined the conversation: "Focused, intelligent, open, patriotic individuals. The role of young Ukrainians will be crucial in rebuilding our country. But for now, the most important thing is to support our soldiers."

Community leaders answered questions from their young colleagues about the importance of teamwork and social connections, offering advice on where to focus at the beginning of their political and community engagement.

At the end of the forum, young people will present their ideas for the further development and recovery of Ukraine.


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