
Poltava: Counterintelligence officer caught on bribe, extorting $6,000 from serviceman

Poltava: Counterintelligence officer caught on bribe, extorting $6,000 from serviceman
Poltava: Counterintelligence officer caught on bribe, extorting $6,000 from serviceman Ukraine news 03 May 2023 at 19:00

In Poltava, a counterintelligence officer suspected of demanding $6,000 USD from a military unit has been suspended from work. This information became known from the rulings of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Poltava.

The colonel and deputy head of one of the departments of the Department of Military Counterintelligence is suspected of extortion. He has been suspended from his position and placed under night-time house arrest.

During the investigation, it was established that the colonel demanded money for himself and a third party from the deputy commander of one of the military units responsible for armaments.

Investigative actions revealed that the suspect came up with a plan to make money in January 2023. At the beginning of the month, he called the colonel and offered to meet with him. When they met, the counterintelligence officer informed him that the chief of the 4th department of the 8th unit of the Department of Military Counterintelligence wanted to talk to him and led him to his office. There, an 'unidentified person under pre-trial investigation' was waiting for them.

During the conversation, the military serviceman was informed that they knew about fuel theft in their military unit and were aware of his involvement in the scheme. People began to pressure the military officer, telling him that he could face 12 years in prison, but the evidence could be destroyed, and he could avoid trial.

The counterintelligence officer then suggested that for $6,000 USD, they could discreetly close the investigation and make a deal with his colleagues to forget about the military personnel involved. The military serviceman agreed to these conditions.

Within a few hours, the bribe was transferred. Right inside the Department of Counterintelligence, the officer received $6,000 USD, and shortly afterward, he was charged with abuse of power.


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