
190 residents of Dnipro reported damaged property

190 residents of Dnipro reported damaged property
190 residents of Dnipro reported damaged property Ukraine news 27 May 2023 at 11:00

On the evening of May 26, the National Police of Dnipro received 190 reports from residents about property damage caused by Russian shelling on May 26. This information was provided by the National Police.

Among these reports, there were 11 cases of damage to automobiles, two reports of damage to administrative buildings, and three reports of damage to stores.

Furthermore, 169 apartments and two houses were reported to have been affected. Additionally, there were three reports of missing persons. Investigative and operational teams conducted checks on 101 buildings, including 87 apartments, two houses, 11 automobiles, and one auto repair shop.

According to the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration, Serhiy Lysak, the rocket strike on a medical facility resulted in damage to over thirty multistory buildings and more than twenty private houses. There was also destruction at a stadium, three schools, three kindergartens, and a lyceum.

In Dnipro, financial assistance is being provided to residents who have lost their homes or whose homes have been partially destroyed due to rocket shelling by Russia. To receive these payments, individuals must contact the district administration to prepare a damage assessment report. After receiving the report, homeowners can contact the Department of Social Policy of the city council.

Assistance is being offered for the replacement of windows and doors, but compensation for damaged or destroyed equipment, furniture, and the like is not included. Homeowners with damaged or destroyed property can use the "Dія" application to apply for assistance through the eRestoration program.

For further information on this matter, individuals can seek guidance from the Department of Social Policy of the city council at the following phone numbers: (056) 745 55 53, (068) 913 46 88, (095) 415 18 54.


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