
A drunk motorcycle driver hit a child in Poltava Oblast

A drunk motorcycle driver hit a child in Poltava Oblast
A drunk motorcycle driver hit a child in Poltava Oblast Ukraine news 15 Jun 2023 at 13:17

On June 14, at approximately 6:00 PM, in the village of Lazirky in the Lubny district of Poltava region, a motorcycle driver struck an 8-year-old boy. The child is currently hospitalized. This information was reported by the police of Poltava region.

According to preliminary information from the investigation, a motorcycle with a sidecar, driven by a 1988-born individual, collided with the 8-year-old boy. As a result of the collision, the child sustained physical injuries and was taken to the Lubny Intensive Care Hospital.

Law enforcement officers have determined that the driver was under the influence of alcohol. Currently, he has been detained under the provisions of Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

Regarding this incident, the investigative unit of the Khorol police, under the procedural guidance of the Orzhitsk department of the Lubny District Prosecutor's Office, has recorded information in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations for an offense stipulated by Part 2 of Article 286-1 (Violation of road safety rules by a person operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol that resulted in severe bodily harm to the victim) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The circumstances and causes of the road traffic accident are being investigated.


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