
More than 100 hectares of land worth UAH 25.6 million were returned to the Sildra in Poltava Oblast

More than 100 hectares of land worth UAH 25.6 million were returned to the Sildra in Poltava Oblast
More than 100 hectares of land worth UAH 25.6 million were returned to the Sildra in Poltava Oblast Ukraine news 16 Jun 2023 at 10:18

The Economic Court of Poltava Oblast (court of first instance) has granted the claim of Dikanka District Prosecutor's Office for the termination of a lease agreement and the return of over 100 hectares of land worth 25.6 million UAH to Dikanka Village Council. This information was reported on the website of the Poltava Regional Prosecutor's Office.

In 2020, the Main Department of the State Geocadastre in Poltava Oblast and one of the companies in the Poltava region entered into a lease agreement, under which the company obtained the use of an agricultural land plot (meadow) located within the territory of Dikanka territorial community.

Subsequently, the company began to plow the meadow and plant it with corn, which means it was using the land plot for a purpose other than its designated use.

In order to protect the interests of the state through Dikanka Village Council, the prosecutor's office filed a lawsuit with the court and demonstrated the company's violation of legal requirements and the terms of the lease agreement.

As a reference, according to Article 35 of the Ukrainian law "On Land Protection," owners and land users, including leaseholders, are obligated to, among other things, ensure the use of land plots for their intended purpose and comply with the established restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plot when engaging in economic activities.


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