
In Poltava, they want to introduce additional payments to women in labor

In Poltava, they want to introduce additional payments to women in labor
In Poltava, they want to introduce additional payments to women in labor Ukraine news 14 Jun 2023 at 16:00

In the Poltava community, there is a proposal to provide additional financial assistance to women upon the birth of their children. This initiative was put forward by the acting mayor of Poltava, Andriy Karpov, during today's 33rd extraordinary session of the Poltava City Council of the eighth convocation.

The plan is to provide an additional 15,000 hryvnias to new mothers, and if either the mother or her spouse is in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the payment will be 30,000 hryvnias.

"I am initiating support for women who give birth in our community. Currently, the demographic situation in Ukraine is deteriorating. Many children and people have been abducted by the Russian Federation and taken out of the country. If we do not support the future generation and help women giving birth in such a difficult time, it's unclear what we are fighting for. I want to launch a program to support women giving birth in our medical institutions – 15,000 hryvnias, and for mobilized individuals, it will be 30,000 hryvnias when a child is born," stated Andriy Karpov.

This resolution is still subject to discussion in the parliamentary committees, and the plan is to bring the issue to the agenda of the next session of the Poltava City Council.


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