
The first lady spoke via Zoom with a teacher from Dnipropetrovsk region, who received a laptop from the Elena Zelenska Foundation

The first lady spoke via Zoom with a teacher from Dnipropetrovsk region, who received a laptop from the Elena Zelenska Foundation
The first lady spoke via Zoom with a teacher from Dnipropetrovsk region, who received a laptop from the Elena Zelenska Foundation Ukraine news 17 Jun 2023 at 10:33

Hanna Novikova from the Krivoy Rog Gymnasium is one of over 38,000 Ukrainian teachers who received laptops from the Olena Zelenska Foundation. In the 5th grade of the gymnasium in Krivoy Rog, Mrs. Hanna teaches children informatics. She also leads an interdisciplinary course that includes mathematics, technology, engineering, and science. Teaching such a course remotely is extremely challenging, but the educator skillfully selects videos that children can watch from any device. During the current wartime, learning at the gymnasium takes place online. Recently, First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska held an online meeting with Hanna Novikova. This was reported by the official representation of the President of Ukraine.

Olena Zelenska noted that Hanna Novikova continues to work in a city that is constantly shelled by Russian occupiers, providing children with the necessary knowledge that will be crucial after Ukraine's victory.

"I am glad that she will now be able to conduct her exciting lessons with quality equipment. They will turn into dreams and plans for many, many children," Olena Zelenska said.

It should be noted that since 2022, the Olena Zelenska Foundation has been making efforts to improve conditions for teachers and students who are forced to work exclusively in a remote mode due to the war. In 2022-2023, thanks to the foundation and its partners, over 38,000 Ukrainian teachers from twelve regions of Ukraine received laptops.


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