
Pyrotechnicians from the Odessa region continue to demine the liberated territories of Donetsk oblast.

Pyrotechnicians from the Odessa region continue to demine the liberated territories of Donetsk oblast.
Pyrotechnicians from the Odessa region continue to demine the liberated territories of Donetsk oblast. Ukraine news 17 Jun 2023 at 13:50

They are performing a dangerous but crucial and responsible task of clearing the areas freed from the enemy of the deadly "gifts" left behind by the Russian occupiers. This information is reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Odessa region.

According to the pyrotechnicians, there is still much work to be done in the liberated territories. Despite the risks to their own lives, the pyrotechnic service personnel are making Donetsk region free from lethal explosives.

Earlier, we reported that marine infantry from Odessa liberated the village of Storozhove in Donetsk region, which had been under Russian occupation for over a year. The village was retaken by the Ukrainian Armed Forces' 35th Marine Brigade named after Rear Admiral Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi. During the clearance operation, our troops neutralized about fifty enemy fighters and captured four Russians.

Furthermore, Ukrainian forces liberated the populated areas of Neskyshne, Makarivka, and Blahodatne in Donetsk oblast in just a few days.


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