
As a result of shelling in Nikopol, a man was seriously injured

As a result of shelling in Nikopol, a man was seriously injured
As a result of shelling in Nikopol, a man was seriously injured Ukraine news 13 May 2023 at 19:00

Severely injured man and damaged buildings: the enemy has shelled Nikopol.

Today, the aggressor targeted Nikopol with heavy artillery fire. A 57-year-old local resident was injured in the process. During the shelling, the man was in his car. This information was reported by the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Doctors are fighting for the life of the victim. Currently, he is in the intensive care unit in critical condition. The man has shrapnel and open cranial injuries.

There is also significant damage. In the city, two multi-story buildings, a dozen private houses, and several outbuildings were damaged. A garage, a minibus, and two power lines were also destroyed.

Under the procedural guidance of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation has been initiated in the criminal proceedings regarding violations of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Urgent measures are being taken to document the crime committed by the aggressor country's army.

Also, read: Over 20 buildings damaged: details of missile strikes in the Odessa region revealed by the prosecutor's office


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