
A fatal road accident occurs in Odesa region: one person is killed and others suffered various types of injuries

A fatal road accident occurs in Odesa region: one person is killed and others suffered various types of injuries
A fatal road accident occurs in Odesa region: one person is killed and others suffered various types of injuries Ukraine news 20 Jun 2023 at 14:46

On June 19th, around 10 o'clock in the evening, a road accident occurred in the village of Berezine in the Odessa region, resulting in one fatality.

According to preliminary information from the National Police Main Office in the Odessa region, the driver of a "Volkswagen Passat," while overtaking a horse-drawn vehicle that was traveling ahead in the same direction, collided with it. As a result of the road accident, a 58-year-old man, who was sitting on the horse-drawn vehicle next to the driver, lost his life.

The 43-year-old driver of the horse-drawn vehicle was in critical condition and was transported to the district hospital. The 30-year-old car driver and his 25-year-old passenger sustained minor injuries and did not require hospitalization.

Both drivers were tested for alcohol intoxication, and they were found to be sober. At the scene of the incident, an investigative and operational group from the State Traffic Police Department of the National Police Main Office in the Odessa region worked on the case.

They have registered the incident in the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations under Article 286, Part 2 (violation of road safety rules or vehicle operation by persons who caused the death of the victim or inflicted severe bodily injury) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


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