
At Kropyvnytskyi, the Olympic ensign was raised

At Kropyvnytskyi, the Olympic ensign was raised
At Kropyvnytskyi, the Olympic ensign was raised Ukraine news 22 Jun 2023 at 17:00

In Kropyvnytskyi, at the stadium of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Central Ukrainian State University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko, the "Olympic Flag Celebration" took place. The event was dedicated to the III European Games, which are taking place in Poland from June 21 to July 2, as reported by the Kropyvnytskyi City Council.

Ukraine is represented by a record number of athletes at the games, with 263 athletes competing in 27 out of 30 possible disciplines. This is 64 more athletes than the previous II European Games in 2019.

The solemn raising of the Olympic flag was attended by Andriy Shchetina, the head of the Department of Youth and Sports of the Regional Military Administration; Vyacheslav Hursky, the head of the Department of Youth and Sports of the Kropyvnytskyi City Council; Vadym Bebko, the chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine in the Kirovohrad region; Evhen Sobol, the rector of the Central Ukrainian State University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko; Volodymyr Kovalov, a member of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine; Anatoliy Turchak, the dean of the Faculty of Physical Education; coaches of Olympic athletes, directors and coaches of sports schools in the city.

The Olympic flag was raised by Oleksandr Symonenko, a deserved master of sports of Ukraine in track cycling, a silver medalist of the XXVII Summer Olympics in Sydney in 2000, an honorary citizen of the city; and Dmytro Yakovenko, a master of sports of Ukraine in international athletics, a participant in the XXXI Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.


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