As of now, hundreds of Odessa municipal workers, along with heavy machinery, have been working for the second week to remove thousands of cubic meters of garbage that has accumulated along the coast due to the dam failure at the Kakhovska Hydroelectric Station. The cleanup efforts began on June 13, 2023, following an inspection by specialists to identify hazardous objects and an instructional session for the staff of the Odessa Coastal Utility.
The cleanup efforts are a collaborative effort involving employees of the Odessa Coastal Utility, the Municipal Roads Enterprise, housing and utilities, and workers from leased territories, covering the entire coastline from Lanzheron to the 16th station of Big Fountain.
Citizens are reminded not to visit beach areas and make unauthorized attempts to clean up the trash on the coastline, as it is dangerous and strictly prohibited.
Regarding water quality, water samples collected from the specified point in Odessa (Marine Port, Pier No. 2) on June 17-18, 2023, indicate the presence of cholera-like Vibrio non-agglutinable group 1 of Haiberg (Cholera-like Vibrio isolated does not cause cholera but can lead to acute intestinal infections).
The seawater samples collected on June 17-18 for microbiological parameters do not meet hygiene standards, and the epidemiological situation is under constant control.
Results of departmental laboratory control conducted by the branch "Infoxvodokanal" LLC "Infox" confirm that the drinking water complies with the requirements of DSanPiN 2.2.4-171-10 "Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption."
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