
Law enforcement officers searched for a 6-year-old boy whose relatives had been hiding from his parents for 8 months

Law enforcement officers searched for a 6-year-old boy whose relatives had been hiding from his parents for 8 months
Law enforcement officers searched for a 6-year-old boy whose relatives had been hiding from his parents for 8 months Ukraine news 24 May 2023 at 19:10

Police officers in Zvenyhorodka have located a boy who had been missing for over 8 months. The child was being kept hidden by his maternal aunt in the Kyiv region. After extensive efforts, the 6-year-old boy has been reunited with his father.

The Cherkasy Regional Police reported the following details: "A report about the disappearance of the minor child was received by the police from his father on September 5th of the previous year. The man explained that he had last seen his son on August 12, 2022, at his place of residence, where the child was under the care of his grandmother. However, according to the decision of Shpolyansk District Court, the grandmother was deprived of custody rights. After that, she disappeared along with the child."

In the search for and determination of the whereabouts of the minor child, investigators from the Zvenyhorodka District Police Department's criminal investigation division were involved. After conducting a series of operational and investigative measures, the police established that the boy had been entrusted to his maternal aunt, who resides in the Kyiv region. She was hiding him at her place of residence.

Thanks to the coordinated and professional efforts of law enforcement, the child was located in the town of Demydiv, Kyiv region, and has been reunited with his father. Fortunately, the child is in good health.


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