
The scandalous military commissar of Odesa shopping centre was fired - OK "South"

The scandalous military commissar of Odesa shopping centre was fired - OK "South"
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The scandalous military commissar of Odesa shopping centre was fired - OK "South" Ukraine news 28 Jun 2023 at 17:56

The scandalous head of the Odessa Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Center, Yevhen Borysov, has been dismissed. This information was reported by Channel 24, citing the head of the press center of the Joint Forces Operation "South," Natalia Humeniuk.

"The decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's Headquarters, made on June 23, has been implemented: Colonel Borysov has been dismissed from the position of the head of the regional territorial recruitment center in Odessa region. The procedure for transferring the position and the officer's planned further implementation will take some time," said the press center head.

Currently, the duties of the head of the Odessa Territorial Recruitment Center will be carried out by Borysov's deputy, who has taken over in his absence.

According to the spokesperson for the Joint Forces Operation "South," the operational command provides all necessary information as officially requested and does not interfere in the work of law enforcement agencies. Investigators are actively working and building their evidence base.

Why was Yevhen Borysov dismissed? Journalists from "Ukrainska Pravda" published an investigation revealing that the military commander's family owns real estate and cars in Spain worth millions of dollars, all acquired during the full-scale war. After this information became public, the State Bureau of Investigations initiated a case regarding abuse of official position.


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