
Water in the Black Sea began to bloom after the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station

Water in the Black Sea began to bloom after the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station
Water in the Black Sea began to bloom after the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station Ukraine news 27 Jun 2023 at 14:00

The head of the Odessa Regional Military Administration, Oleg Kiper, has reported on the state of the Black Sea waters. In particular, he stated that salinity levels in the Black Sea are stabilizing and are expected to reach a stable, normal state within a week. Biochemical indicators are also within the standard range.

However, it has become known that there is another problem: water blooming in the Black Sea. This situation has arisen due to the influx of polluted water into the sea, brought by the current following the detonation of the Kakhovska Hydroelectric Power Plant by Russian forces.

The leader of the Odessa region reported that they are witnessing a real environmental disaster. Severe phenomena and the destruction of the animal and plant world are occurring.

Oleg Kiper also reminded that swimming and fishing in the Black Sea are strictly prohibited. This is due to recent laboratory water tests that found pathogens of infectious diseases, including salmonella, rota- and astroviruses, cholera-like vibrios, paragemoliticus, eggs, and larvae of human and animal helminths. The content of Escherichia coli also significantly exceeds the norm.

The Odessa City Council announced that "The presence of all the mentioned biological pathogens in the waters of open water bodies in the Odessa region, including the Black Sea, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi estuary, and the Danube River, poses a real threat to the life and health of the population."


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