
Mіs'kyi ochіlnik Cherkas having seen the President in front of the city

Mіs'kyi ochіlnik Cherkas having seen the President in front of the city Ukraine news 29 Jun 2023 at 19:00

Anatoliy Bondarenko, the Mayor of Cherkasy, was awarded the "For the Defense of Ukraine" decoration by the President of Ukraine. The decoration was presented during the Constitution Day celebrations by Igor Taburets, the head of the Cherkasy Regional Military Administration. Anatoliy Bondarenko was recognized for his contributions to ensuring the defense of Ukraine, protecting the safety of the population, and safeguarding the interests of the state in the face of Russia's wide-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.

"This is an award for the entire territorial community of Cherkasy, for everyone who dedicates their efforts every day to bring Ukrainian victory closer. For those for whom love for Ukraine is not just a declaration but concrete actions. It's symbolic to receive this award on a significant day for our country, near the monument to one of the creators of the Constitution, our fellow countryman, Mikhaylo Syrota. Every line, every word of our Basic Law is defended today by our brave young men and women armed in front of the whole world. Because, as stated in one of the articles, 'the territory of Ukraine within its current border is inviolable and indivisible.' That is why we will stand and win!" commented Mayor Anatoliy Bondarenko.

Note: The "For the Defense of Ukraine" decoration is a state award of Ukraine, established to honor military personnel, law enforcement officers, members of volunteer formations of territorial communities, employees of central and local authorities, enterprises, institutions, and organizations, as well as volunteers who participated in defense measures of Ukraine, the protection of the population's safety, and actively contributed to the implementation of such measures.


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