
In Odessa, ask to change the schedule for the work of laying a public meal

In Odessa, ask to change the schedule for the work of laying a public meal
In Odessa, ask to change the schedule for the work of laying a public meal Ukraine news 29 Jun 2023 at 14:00

The mayor of Odessa, Gennadiy Trukhanov, met with local entrepreneurs whose businesses are oriented towards operating in the early hours of the day. This includes owners of public catering establishments and entertainment venues.

The entrepreneurs requested a change in the hours during which restaurants and cafes are allowed to operate, according to the head of Odessa.

"Recently, a military order was issued that restricts the operation of entertainment venues and catering establishments. It was done for security reasons during a state of war. Currently, we are receiving many appeals from entrepreneurs in businesses that operate in the morning. According to the order, they are only allowed to work from 9 a.m. During our meeting, the entrepreneurs expressed their thoughts and suggestions," said Gennadiy Trukhanov.

He mentioned that after the discussion, a decision was made to draft a joint letter to the Odessa Military Administration with a proposal to change the morning hours from 9 a.m. to 7 a.m.

"I believe that this step will not affect the safety of Odessa residents but will give businesses the opportunity to operate and contribute to the city's and the country's economy," added Gennadiy Trukhanov.


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