
Near Cherkassy marked the fifth anniversary of the day of the grounding of the 118th brigade of the TrO ZSU

Near Cherkassy marked the fifth anniversary of the day of the grounding of the 118th brigade of the TrO ZSU
Near Cherkassy marked the fifth anniversary of the day of the grounding of the 118th brigade of the TrO ZSU Ukraine news 30 Jun 2023 at 16:00

The 118th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is celebrating its fifth anniversary since its establishment. In honor of this occasion, Cherkasy hosted festive ceremonies where government representatives awarded the defenders and expressed their gratitude for their service.

"During a critical time for our country, they took up arms and went to defend their homeland. Each and every one of them has shown with their strength and courage that the enemy will not tread on Ukrainian soil for long. I am confident that our territorial defense brigade will be among those who achieve victory for their people in this unjust war. And at the regional government level, we will continue to support the brigade, doing everything within our power," stated Anatoliy Pidhornyy, offering congratulations to the defenders on behalf of the regional council's deputies.

According to the brigade's commander, Anatoliy Stuzhenko, the enemy claimed to have destroyed the brigade twice. However, Ukrainian defenders continue to fight for the country's freedom with determination and will.

"The 118th Territorial Defense Brigade is recognized as one of the best territorial defense brigades in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. To this day, the brigade has not lost its positions and carries out its assigned tasks with honor and dignity," said the commander of the 118th Territorial Defense Brigade, Anatoliy Stuzhenko.

The event concluded with a solemn prayer service for Ukraine led by Metropolitan John of Cherkasy and Chyhyryn.

These celebrations and expressions of gratitude are significant for acknowledging the dedication and sacrifice of the brigade's members in defending their country and maintaining the security and sovereignty of Ukraine.


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