
Chain and handcuffs: a farmer who kept a lodger in slavery will be tried in Vinnytsia

Chain and handcuffs: a farmer who kept a lodger in slavery will be tried in Vinnytsia
Chain and handcuffs: a farmer who kept a lodger in slavery will be tried in Vinnytsia Ukraine news 02 Jul 2023 at 11:10

A resident of Vinnytsia held his "mother's tenant" in captivity. He transported the victim to his farm, chained him with handcuffs, and restrained him with a chain.

According to the Vinnytsia Regional Prosecutor's Office, a 61-year-old farmer visited his mother on May 10, 2023, intending to resolve a conflict that had arisen between her and a man who temporarily lived in her house. The son of the homeowner had the intention to deprive the "tenant" of his freedom unlawfully.

Implementing his criminal intent aimed at illegal deprivation of liberty and restricting the movement of the man, the suspect placed handcuffs on the victim's hands and transported him to an outbuilding on his farm.

"The perpetrator placed a metal chain nearly 4 meters long and weighing over 14 kg on the victim, attaching it to the handcuffs. Then, he secured the chain by looping it over a beam in the building, depriving the man of the ability to move freely and causing him physical suffering," the report states.

The next day, the victim managed to free himself by undoing the chain's connections, breaking down the door in the outbuilding, and, with his hands shackled and the chain, ran toward the nearby road. There, he stopped a truck and asked the driver for help.

At the hospital, the victim was found to have head and chest contusions, multiple cuts on his back, and bruised legs.

The Prosecutor's Office has submitted an indictment to the court against the Vinnytsia resident on charges of committing a criminal offense as provided in part 2 of Article 146 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (unlawful deprivation of liberty or kidnapping).

This crime is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years or deprivation of liberty for the same period.

It's important to note that, according to Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered innocent until their guilt is proven in accordance with the law and established by a court's guilty verdict.


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