
In the Dnipropetrovsk region, a bison was spotted in the middle of a cemetery

In the Dnipropetrovsk region, a bison was spotted in the middle of a cemetery
In the Dnipropetrovsk region, a bison was spotted in the middle of a cemetery Ukraine news 02 Jul 2023 at 12:26

In the village of Vesele, Pavlograd district, Dnipropetrovsk region, local residents spotted a massive bison in the middle of a cemetery. It was feeding on the branches of a thuja tree near the grave of a fallen soldier. The villagers believe that the animals dispersed from the territory of the Chemical Plant after the enemy's explosions on the night of May 1 (the village is located near the Pavlograd Chemical Plant). People began to notice hoofprints after those events. A few days ago, they encountered the bison "at the scene of the crime," as it was eating thuja branches on the grave of the deceased soldier.

"A girl from our village saw the bison in the cemetery, at my son's grave, and took a photo of it. All the flowers on the grave were trampled by the animal's hooves. The animals were noticed after the explosions at the Chemical Plant. The animals got scared and ran away. Where else could a bison come from in our area?" said Elena, the mother of the fallen soldier.

The Chemical Plant authorities claim that all their wild animals are still on the premises.

"I called People's Deputy Roman Kaptyelov. He contacted the plant's management, and they said their animals are still on the premises. No one ran away," Elena added.

The bison is a Red Book animal in Ukraine. Therefore, the Ministry of Ecology has responded and promised to send a specialist to sedate the animal and transport it to a preserve in the Carpathian forests.

"They said they already took the bison yesterday. We will keep an eye on it," said Elena.

Background: Wild animals (bisons, deer, bison, wild boars, pheasants, foxes) were settled on the territory of the Chemical Plant approximately 20 years ago for ecological monitoring. The animals live on an area of 6 by 8 square kilometers.


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