
At Cherkasy holy for the children of Viysk, migrants and those who are going through rehabilitation

At Cherkasy holy for the children of Viysk, migrants and those who are going through rehabilitation
At Cherkasy holy for the children of Viysk, migrants and those who are going through rehabilitation Ukraine news 03 Jun 2023 at 15:00

The children of war veterans, prisoners of war, and young residents of Cherkasy who were undergoing rehabilitation in municipal sanatoriums took part in educational and entertaining events organized by the Cherkasy Regional Council together with representatives of local businesses and rescuers. This was reported by the Cherkasy Regional Council.

"The stealthy war took away the dearest from these children, leaving them without a normal childhood. Therefore, together with the team, private businesses, and rescuers, we wanted to create a safe, interesting, and emotionally enriching day for them. By the way, this is not the first similar event that we have organized, and we will continue to work in this direction so that they feel that Cherkasy region cares about them," commented Anatoliy Pidhornyy, the head of the regional council.

Around 150 children were engaged in seven different locations. In particular, experts from the Cherkasy School of Combat Hopak explained to the kids the importance of this national dance and conducted a master class. The children eagerly learned to handle sabers and other equipment.

The pyrotechnicians of the State Emergency Service in Cherkasy region explained what explosive items are and how to handle them.

One of the most interesting locations was the firefighters'. The children enthusiastically tried to sit in the driver's seat of special vehicles and try on the heavy suit. Some patiently endured the weight of an oxygen cylinder.

During the event, there were also creative locations. Volunteers created temporary tattoos with sparkles for the willing participants, and the children painted T-shirts themselves. The process was coordinated and guided by the employees of the regional center for working with gifted children.


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