
A house for IDPs is being reconstructed in a community in Poltava region: how many families have submitted applications

A house for IDPs is being reconstructed in a community in Poltava region: how many families have submitted applications
A house for IDPs is being reconstructed in a community in Poltava region: how many families have submitted applications Ukraine news 02 Jul 2023 at 19:23

The Pryshybska community in Kremenchuk District, Poltava Region, is currently renovating a building that will provide housing for internally displaced persons. Renovation work began in the fall of 2022.

As of now, 10 families have submitted applications for accommodation, according to Valentina Gorodyanko, the head of the Pryshybska community. The community is reconstructing one of the multi-apartment buildings to accommodate internally displaced individuals. These buildings were formerly part of a collective farm, which later dissolved, leaving the apartments vacant.

The reconstruction project, which includes repairs to utilities and landscaping the area around the building, is nearing completion. The community allocated UAH 19.8 million from its budget for the renovation.

Currently, the community is home to 218 displaced persons, with 10 families having applied for housing in the new facility. The available apartments vary in size from one-bedroom to four-bedroom units, and the waiting list is already in place. The reconstruction is expected to be completed and residents are to be accommodated before the start of the heating season, according to the community's head.


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