
From Vinnytsia oblast to help Kherson Oblast another 25 workers were sent

From Vinnytsia oblast to help Kherson Oblast another 25 workers were sent
From Vinnytsia oblast to help Kherson Oblast another 25 workers were sent Ukraine news 03 Jul 2023 at 12:24

An additional 25 workers have been dispatched from Vinnytsia region to assist Kherson in eliminating the consequences of flooding caused by the explosion of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Station by Russian occupiers. This group will relieve the personnel who have been working in Kherson since the tragedy. The Vinnytsia volunteers will be responsible for cleaning up the city of Kherson, which suffered significant damage due to the terrorist act carried out by Russian occupiers. They will clear debris, wood, and biological waste from Kherson's yard areas. The situation in Kherson is dire, and the people of Vinnytsia region are eager to provide assistance and help with the recovery efforts. Vinnytsia region previously sent six pieces of machinery and a team of workers to Kherson. Before that, 11 specialized vehicles and 28 workers from Vinnytsia region were already working in Kherson.

In addition to the human relief efforts, the Odessa Zoo has provided shelter for over two hundred animals affected by the flooding in Kherson. These animals were displaced by the floodwaters and needed a temporary home. Among the animals being cared for at the zoo are frogs, pythons, vipers, tortoises, raccoon dogs, and even a deer. The female deer, in particular, was in a critical condition when it arrived at the zoo. It had gone without drinking water for five days and is now receiving treatment to regain its strength. The zoo administration has stated that once the animals have recovered, they plan to release them back into their natural habitats.

These combined efforts demonstrate the solidarity and support being provided to Kherson in the wake of this tragic event.


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