
What to do if you find yourself outside during a radiation emergency?

What to do if you find yourself outside during a radiation emergency?
It is important
What to do if you find yourself outside during a radiation emergency? Ukraine news 05 Jul 2023 at 12:00

What to do if you find yourself outside during a radiation emergency? Experts from the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine have provided an answer to this question.

If you happen to be outdoors during a radiation emergency, you should:

Immediately protect your respiratory organs. Any available fabric folded into multiple layers or a protective mask will suffice. This will help partially reduce the intake of radioactive dust into your body, as explained by the Ministry of Health.

Seek shelter indoors as quickly as possible. Ideal options are large buildings with thick walls and minimal windows.

Before entering the building, if possible, carefully remove the outer layer of clothing. This will help eliminate a significant portion of the radioactive contamination.

Ensure that windows and doors in the building are tightly closed, and close ventilation openings. It is also important to take a shower or wipe your body with wet wipes.

Radiation contamination can also settle on your hair, so if possible, it is necessary to wash your head.

If your pets were outside during the incident, they should also be washed or, at the very least, wiped with wet wipes.

The initial radioactive dust will begin to settle within an hour after the potential accident, so it is best not to leave the shelter until receiving an official announcement from the authorities. This applies to evacuation attempts by car as well. Note that the first few hours after the accident are the most dangerous, as radioactive dust will be in the air.

Under no circumstances should you take potassium iodide "just in case." This can harm your health. The administration of potassium iodide should be done based on the specific recommendations of the authorities.

It is important to stay informed and follow the instructions provided by the relevant authorities during a radiation emergency.


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