
Cherkasy region convicts 50-year-old Russian native for spreading Russian propaganda

Cherkasy region convicts 50-year-old Russian native for spreading Russian propaganda
Cherkasy region convicts 50-year-old Russian native for spreading Russian propaganda Ukraine news 14 Jul 2023 at 17:21

According to the Cherkasy Regional Prosecutor's Office, a resident of Shpola city has been sentenced to up to five years of imprisonment with property confiscation for disseminating materials that justified and endorsed the Russian Federation's armed aggression against Ukraine. The prosecution in court established that the 50-year-old local resident, originally from the Russian Federation, shared publications from pro-Russian groups on the banned Russian social network "Odnoklassniki," which justified the criminal actions of Russian forces in Ukraine and glorified members of the Russian army and their so-called feats against the Ukrainian people.

Additionally, the woman in court denied her guilt, claiming that the social network was only used for communication with her relatives living in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In a separate incident in Odessa, a man launched fireworks during the wartime state of emergency, disregarding the ban on using pyrotechnic products. This action caused fear among many people in the city, and the man has now been informed of suspicion of committing an offense.


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