
The repair of the sewage system in Poltava region will require 10 million hryvnias

The repair of the sewage system in Poltava region will require 10 million hryvnias
The repair of the sewage system in Poltava region will require 10 million hryvnias Ukraine news 22 Jul 2023 at 16:43

This was announced by the State Environmental Inspection. The analysis of wastewater showed an excess of permissible pollution levels by 4.2 to 8.5 times. According to preliminary calculations, the damage caused by the interruption of the biological wastewater treatment process and the costs of restoring the biological treatment of effluents amount to 9,555,322 hryvnias.

A large amount of sludge has entered the biological ponds and the discharge channel, which also need to be cleaned. It should be recalled that unknown individuals discharged pollutants into the Suprunivka treatment facilities in Poltava region. Experts have determined that this discharge of pollutants caused significant harm.

Currently, law enforcement authorities are investigating those responsible for the violation. Additionally, the water utility workers managed to prevent, as they claim, a technological catastrophe.


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