
Elimination of the consequences of hostile shelling continues in Odesa

Elimination of the consequences of hostile shelling continues in Odesa
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Elimination of the consequences of hostile shelling continues in Odesa Ukraine news 24 Jul 2023 at 19:05

In Odessa, efforts to mitigate the consequences of the enemy's attack continue. According to preliminary information, on July 23, 2023, Odessa was hit by a missile attack, resulting in damage to 61 buildings and 146 apartments belonging to Odessa residents.

Municipal enterprises are conducting priority emergency measures, including debris removal, clearing roads, and pathways.

Yesterday, measures were taken to preserve damaged residential buildings, with 869 window openings covered with film.

Damage has also occurred to 28 cultural heritage sites.

Municipal services are addressing damage in the apartments of Odessa residents to provide them with financial assistance from the city budget.

Additionally, Odessa residents can apply for state aid through the "E-Recovery" application.

Acting Deputy Mayor of Odessa, Oleg Bryndak, gave an interview to the national marathon "YeDini Novyny." He emphasized that the city's main task is to provide maximum assistance to those affected by the Russian shelling of Odessa.

"We are currently working on relocating those in need, providing financial assistance for window glazing, repairing windows and entrance doors - that's what we are doing right now," added Oleg Bryndak.

This work is currently being carried out by district administrations in the city and the Department of Urban Economy.

The Department of Urban Economy expressed gratitude for fruitful cooperation with the UN OCHA Sub-Office, the Buffett Foundation, the "10 April" organization, and all volunteers who have joined the relief efforts.

Read also: The Russian army attacked the Myrivska community in the Dnipropetrovsk region.


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