
A terrible night in Odesa region: the enemy fired rockets at Odesa and the region

A terrible night in Odesa region: the enemy fired rockets at Odesa and the region
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A terrible night in Odesa region: the enemy fired rockets at Odesa and the region Ukraine news 23 Jul 2023 at 10:00

During the night from July 22nd to July 23rd, Russian forces launched another mass attack on the territory of Odessa and its region. As of 4:00 AM, it has been confirmed that as a result of the enemy shelling, one person has been killed and 22 others have been injured, including 4 children.

The rocket attack caused damage and destruction to civil infrastructure, multi-story and private residential buildings, and the vehicles of citizens. Many buildings have sustained damage to their facades and roofs, and windows have been shattered.

One of the religious structures in the city center was also damaged in the attack, and a fire broke out there.

Police officers, together with representatives of other services, are working at the scene of the incident.

Under the procedural guidance of the prosecutors of the Odessa Regional Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation has been initiated into the violations of laws and customs of war (Article 438, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, during the night of July 23, the enemy once again carried out a massive shelling of Odessa using missiles such as "Kalibr," "X-22," "Oniks," "Iskander-K," and "Iskander-M."

As a result of the shelling, a 49-year-old man was killed, and at least 19 local residents sustained multiple injuries, including 4 children. Information about other casualties is still being clarified.

The attack by the enemy caused significant damage and destruction to numerous civilian objects, including multi-story and private buildings, office spaces, vehicles, and the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral.

Prosecutors, SSU investigators, and police officers are working at the scene to document another act of war crimes committed by the Russian Federation. The assessment is ongoing, and a complete list of destruction and damage is being compiled.


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