
In Ukraine, it was proposed not to let men go abroad after the war

In Ukraine, it was proposed not to let men go abroad after the war
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In Ukraine, it was proposed not to let men go abroad after the war Ukraine news 06 Aug 2023 at 16:20

Former MP, head of the Ukrainian Institute of the Future, and former journalist, Vadim Denisenko, announced on his Facebook page that after Ukraine's victory in this war, he wants to continue the ban on men leaving the country, at least for three years. He argued that the Ukrainian nation will not survive if the borders are opened for men. He also expressed support for allowing military personnel to travel abroad on official business, vacation, or for medical treatment.

Denisenko's statements received a skeptical response on social media. His post has already garnered over 3.6 thousand comments, with the vast majority being negative.

Some media outlets and Telegram channels mistakenly attributed Vadim Denisenko to the position of an advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, which also fueled the discussion on social media.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Mariana Reva, clarified that Vadim Denisenko is not an advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs. The ministry emphasized that Denisenko's statements regarding the ban on men traveling abroad are his personal opinions and should not be considered the position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.


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