
Those liable for military service who categorically refuse to fight are offered to be involved in "work for the economy"

Those liable for military service who categorically refuse to fight are offered to be involved in "work for the economy"
Those liable for military service who categorically refuse to fight are offered to be involved in "work for the economy" Ukraine news 08 Aug 2023 at 17:00

A bill has been introduced to the Verkhovna Rada, proposing to engage conscripts who do not wish to fight in public works and the reconstruction of the country. This is outlined in bill No. 9566, initiated by Georgiy Mazurashu, a deputy from the 'Servant of the People' party.

"Only motivated citizens willing to physically and morally fight against the occupiers can ensure the defense of the homeland. Participants of combat actions repeatedly emphasize this, noting that unmotivated citizens mobilized by force are sent to the frontlines, causing unnecessary problems – they can let down their unit, fellow soldiers at critical moments, abandon their positions, desert, or even worse," the explanatory note states.

The author of the bill suggests engaging those conscripts who, for various reasons, are unable or unwilling to fight, in economic work that contributes to defense readiness. Meanwhile, the military commissariats can focus on working with motivated patriots.

Conscripts who categorically refuse to fight are proposed to be called for work in defense-related industries or other sectors of the economy, or for socially beneficial work on contract terms. The bill promises wages not less than the minimum wage.

At the same time, citizens who are officially employed for at least 0.75 full-time equivalent or engage in entrepreneurial activities and timely pay taxes and fees prescribed by law, are proposed not to be engaged in defense work.

Currently, the bill has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada for review.

Also read: A minibus was confiscated in Vinnytsia region and handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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